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About Me

I'm a mum to an amazing wee girl, a slightly mental german shepherd and I love weight training. I started training when I was 19 and haven't looked back since. In 2018 I qualified as a PT and then shortly after did my Pre and PostNatal qualification. I'm passionate about making the most out of life and looking after our bodies. I believe that exercise is essential to a healthy life, but that it should be enjoyable and work in tandem with a whole host of other things like self-care, nutrition, relationships and work-life balance.
For me getting a great lifting session in the gym or a sunny walk with my family goes hand in hand with eating a Zizzi pizza with a whole ball of mozzarella on the top, or having a day where the most exercise I do is walking between the rooms in the house! Balance in all things is key. 



Gym Tools
Online PT


  • Personalised programme

  • weekly, bi-weekly or monthly check-ins via email, skype or phone call

  • access to me via Whatsapp and email  

  • healthy eating tips and advice  

*Disclaimer* - I do not hold a qualification in Nutrition. In Level 3 PT I covered a small amount, enough to advise on basic healthy eating advice. For this reason, I will not do meal plans, tell you your macros or give advice on supplements. Please, please always check what qualifications someone holds before signing up with them. Nutritionist is not a protected term in the UK and therefore anyone can call themselves one. I would be doing you and myself a disservice if I was to offer any sort of in-depth nutrition advice. I can, however, assist you in finding a suitable professional.


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What is your why?

I strongly believe that finding your 'why' is the most important first step on a fitness journey.  Taking the time to really look at the reasons behind the goals you are setting yourself can make a huge difference between failing at the first hurdle, and making sustainable changes for life.  Question yourself. Is your 'why' really that you want to lose 10lbs or does it go deeper than that?  


No one person is the same; so no matter what plan you choose, it will always be tailored to best suit you and your goals. If you don't see what you're looking for or have any questions at all, please get in touch and I'd be happy to have a chat and discuss your ideas, thoughts or concerns. Exercise shouldn't be a chore, my goal is that together we can build a programme that you're going to be excited to get stuck into!



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TEL: 07597991299


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What Clients Say

"So knowledgable teaching the reasons for doing/not doing something. Everything was explained and demonstrated at a good pace. Friendly, welcoming and made to feel relaxed, especially after I felt a bit anxious about getting back to exercise."
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